









It has been 23 years since the establishment of STFA Yung Yau College. Over the years, with the guidance and encouragement from the School Supervisor, the School Management Committee and the School Sponsoring Body, we have dedicated ourselves to caring for and nurturing our students upholding the school’s mission and vision. 

It is our belief that every student is a unique pearl—each with their own talents and potential. Therefore, with the vision of diversified development, we provide our students with a wide range of learning opportunities to freely explore their interests, unleash their potential, build their confidence and maximize their strengths. Just as the earth nourishes all and every soil cultivates different life, our school is the fertile soil where students blossom.

We seek to promote students’ academic, music and sports development to nurture well-rounded individuals. Like a colorful canvas, each experience adds vibrancy to students' growth. We not only care about students’ academic achievements but also emphasize fostering their moral traits, striving to help them build positive values and an optimistic outlook on life. We cultivate not just knowledge but also moral character, nurturing our students to become outstanding citizens who contribute to society. 

Our team strives for innovation aligned with social and educational changes, especially in the field of STEAM. We guide students to explore the mysteries of technology and apply AR and VR technologies to create immersive learning experiences for them. The school has introduced AI courses in junior forms and more diversified life planning curricula for senior form students, including Tech Basics and multimedia storytelling programmes, to open the door to vast knowledge for students and allow them to soar high in the world of information technology.

In terms of facilities, the school aspires to seek resources to build facilities like Future Laboratory and Mathematics Laboratory, training our students to become future IT talents who can explore infinite possibilities. 

On a final note, it is our conviction that every student is a sapling that requires meticulous care and nurturing. We spare no effort to provide students with opportunities of diversified development and apply innovative teaching methods to cultivate future leaders and outstanding talents. Our mission is not just to educate but to inspire, lighting the path for our students today to become the leaders of tomorrow.


Principal Tam, Chong Ling
